
Jittoa translates to medicine in the Yaqui language.

Plants relationships
I was taught that our primary responsibility is as guardians of the Natural World. And that the Land provides healing and supports us. Many plants grow in abundance, considered weeds or grasses to be mowed. I invite you to build your relationship with the plants. Spend some time visiting with them. Introduce your self to the plant and offer gratitudes. Look at the intricate details of their beauty, life, and the way they nourish not only the bugs and birds but mammals too (humans included).

Honor and practice Tea ritual of your own
This is the practice of honoring the plants, but also the waters and yourself.

I recommend drink the tea daily at the same time of the day for one - three weeks. This allows to build your plant relationship and feel in what ways you are being shared with.

A preparation:

Put a pot of water to boil. Focus your gratitudes to the water that has been since before time and will now cleanse and nourish you. Turn the heat off. Open the bag and deeply inhale the aromas. Pour tea into the water and re-cover the pot. Give gratitude to the plants for what they will share with you. Steep overnight or for many hours. Warm and strain and drink. Put what you don't drink in the fridge to drink later. Tea can be enjoyed cold, warm or hot.

An additional water directive: Water Reverb

The Tea Blends:

Locally grown, gathered & ethically sourced organic plants bundled with love.

Nourishing Within : Is an emotional support blend. available for purchase by request

Tulsi. Rose. Lemon Balm. Chamomile. Passion Flower.

A daily tonic or to enjoy at any time. The is tea softens a variety of anxiety experiences and nourishes your endocrine systems to expand your ease and elasticity with which you can engage with life.

Spring Equilibrium: blended for Sovereign Futures

Sumac. Red Clover. Pepermint. Spearmint. Lemon Balm. Corn Flower.

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